Pristina Airport registers double digit growth

Pristina Airport recorded its nineteenth consecutive month of passenger growth by handling 170.101 travellers in October, representing an increase of 13.1%. During the first ten months of the year, the airport welcomed a record 1.832.979 passengers through its doors, up 13.3%. The airport has already surpassed its 2017 end-of-year results and added an extra 215.076 travellers. «We are committed to ending this year successfully with over two million passengers. We believe that the ongoing process of our runway extension and category upgrade will have a positive effect on the decisions of our airline partners and their long-term plans for Pristina Airport», General Manager, Haldun Firat Kokturk, said last week.


Month PAX Change (%)
JAN 144.137 ▲ 17.3
FEB 123.565 ▲ 14.1
MAR 150.432 ▲ 19.2
APR 177.732 ▲ 3.1
MAY 168.519 ▲ 12.8
JUN 178.052 ▲ 23.3
JUL 256.029 ▲ 9.3
AUG 274.755 ▲ 13.7
SEP 190.385 ▲ 12.3
OCT 170.101 ▲ 13.1

Source: Exyuaviation

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