Chile: Santiago airport expansion faces delays

Chile’s public works minister, Juan Andrés Fontaine, expressed concern regarding the delays in the ongoing US$650mn expansion of Santiago’s Arturo Merino Benítez airport after the concessionaire in charge requested a deadline extension.

Consorcio Nuevo Pudahuel, which won the airport concession in 2015, alerted the country’s concessions panel that the public works ministry (MOP) was behind schedule for revising and approving the designs for the expansion, resulting in delays. The consortium added, however, that the process has gathered pace since the new government took office last March.

Now, the concessionaire requested a deadline extension, from November 2020 to June 2021.

The airport is operating above its maximum capacity of 15mn passengers per year, and while the ongoing expansion would increase capacity to 30mn, the airport will be close to that number once the current works are complete.

Source: BNAmericas

Bermuda LF Wade Int´l Airport seeks retailers for new terminal

When the new airport terminal opens in the summer of 2020, there will be more than 9,500 sq ft of retail space, split between the airside and landside of the building.
The first stage of the process to find store and concession operators for ten retail units has begun.
Bermuda Skyport Corporation Limited is inviting expressions of interest from qualified retailers to market, operate and maintain the retail concessions.
Skyport is responsible for the LF Wade International Airport operations, maintenance and commercial functions. It is also overseeing the construction of the new terminal.
There will be four specialty retail units on the ground floor landside of the terminal, that is the public areas open to all. One unit is in the check-in area, while the other three will be in the arrivals location.
On the airside of the arrivals area, also on the ground floor, there is to be a 1,220 sq ft duty-free retail unit.
The other five retail units will be airside on the first floor of the new terminal. These are for passengers who have passed through the security screening area. The units are duty free/specialty retail, and the largest is 2,193 sq ft.
Any qualified retailers that are interested in operating one or more of the retail units should submit a summary of qualifications and experience to Skyport by June 22.

Request for Proposals will be issued to qualified parties in August.

See: New Bermuda Airport Terminal

Source: The Royal Gazette. Bermuda

U-tapao airport city to open for bids in October

The terms of reference (ToR) for the U-tapao aerotropolis worth over 200 billion baht will be open for bidding through a public-private partnership (PPP) in October, with the winner  expected to be unveiled early next year.

The Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) mandated to develop the first phase of the aerotropolis within five year.

Note:  The Eastern Economic Corridor (“EEC”) Act is the Thaigovernment’s flagship policy to accelerate infrastructure development and encourage local and foreign investments in the 3 eastern provinces of Thailand including Rayong, Chon Buri and Chachoengsao. 

U-Tapao lies approximately 140 km southeast of Bangkok and about a 45-minute drive from Pataya.

Source: Bangkok Post and PWC Thailand

Argentina: los vuelos domésticos superan el millón de pasajeros

Record histórico en los aeropuertos Argentinos: en el mes de mayo de 2018 viajaron 1.006.000 pasajeros en vuelos comerciales de cabotaje, lo que representa un 9% más respecto del mismo mes de 2017. En tanto, si se contabiliza los vuelos de cabotaje e internacionales, hubo en total 2,21 millones de pasajeros, un 7% más respecto del mismo mes del año pasado.

Analizando las variaciones por aeropuerto, en pasajeros de cabotaje hubo un incremento del 116% para Puerto Madryn (4.900 pasajeros); 83% para Mar del Plata (17.000 pasajeros); 51% para Corrientes (6.000 pasajeros); Paraná con un crecimiento del 49% (3.500 pasajeros) y Tucumán, con el 29% (38.900 pasajeros). Tucumán superó así su máximo histórico en vuelos de cabotaje. Jujuy y Posadas presentan también crecimientos significativos  aunque se explican en parte por haber servido de alternativa a los aeropuertos de Salta e Iguazú  luego de la finalización de las obras en los mismos.

Siguiendo la tendencia vista en meses anteriores, se registraron importantes crecimientos en la cantidad de pasajeros en rutas de cabotaje que no pasan por los aeropuertos de Ezeiza o Aeroparque, siendo el Hub Córdoba la explicación principal de este fenómeno. Por ejemplo, la conexión Córdoba-Tucumán tuvo un incremento del 188%; Córdoba–Bariloche, 165% y Córdoba–Iguazú, del 90%; entre otras (todas en ambos sentidos).

En el plano internacional, el total de pasajeros creció un 5% contra mayo del 2017. Adicionalmente, en el mes, 203 mil pasajeros volaron desde/hacia el exterior desde los aeropuertos del interior del país, lo que marca un crecimiento del 26% vs igual período del año pasado (162 mil pasajeros). Entre ellas, las rutas más utilizadas son las que unen las ciudades de Córdoba y Mendoza con Santiago de Chile, con prácticamente 33 y 26 mil pasajeros, respectivamente, escoltadas por Córdoba–Panamá (17 mil pasajeros) y Mendoza–Lima (12 mil pasajeros). Al mismo tiempo, Mendoza superó su máximo histórico en vuelos internacionales, con 28.000 pasajeros arribados.