The Kannur International Airport, Kerala State, India, opens in August

The airport is gearing up for commissioning in August or September.

As per the Information Memorandum prepared by SBI CAPS, the airport is expected to have an approximate annual traffic of 1.65 million international and 0.16 million domestic passengers in FY 2018-19. It is estimated that currently 13% of the district population is employed overseas which is forecasted to be increased is a considerable rate in the coming years.

Kerala’s second greenfield airport, its fourth with the ‘international’ tag, is all set for takeoff. The Kannur International Airport is located in northern part of Kerala State, India. Kannur, a beach town, is the largest city in the northern region of Kerala and the administrative headquarters of Kannur district consisting of many towns and villages which includes Thalassery town (called as Thelicherry during the colonial era), the first heritage town of Kerala due to its historical significance.
Kannur is considered one of the best tourist spot in north Kerala. Kannur, on the other hand, is the 4th largest city after Kozhikode, Thiruvananthapuram, and Kochi.

Kannur International Airport Limited, incorporated in December 2009, is an unlisted public limited company promoted by the Government of Kerala to build, own and operate Kannur International Airport, at Mattannur, about 25 km from Kannur City.

The authorized capital of the Company is Rs. 1,500 Cr, and the current paid up capital is Rs. 1,065 Cr. At present, the equity structure of the Company is as follows:

32.86 % by Government of Kerala
22.54 % by State and Central Public Sector Undertakings
9.39 % by Airports Authority of India
35.21 % by others, including QIBs, Individuals, Companies, Cooperative Banks/Societies, and other legal entities as approved by the Board of Directors from time to time.

¡Estamos de vuelta! / We’re back!

¡Estamos de vuelta!

Este blog nació para seguir las noticias más interesantes en el mundo del «mercado de viajeros” – travel retail – que se desarrolla en los aeropuertos, fronteras, zonas de baja fiscalidad, cruceros, etc,.., allá dónde un viajero tenga oportunidad de comprar o consumir productos. Por ello, también procuraremos traer noticias sobre los operadores de restauración – food & beverages – aunque limitadas a actividades de aeropuertos. Progresivamente nos iremos ocupando de otros ingresos non aviation de los operadores aeroportuarios dónde existe cabida para muchas empresas.
Es nuestro interés traer noticias de dos aspectos que tienen que ver mucho con el travel retail: de un lado, los procesos de privatizaciones – en sus distintas fórmulas – sobre aeropuertos, de otro, sobre nuevos desarrollos digitales que facilitan el proceso de compra, o los servicios, en estos canales.
We’re back!
This blog was born to follow the most interesting news in the world of the «travel retail market» which takes place in airports, borders, low-tax areas, cruises, etc., wherever a traveler has the opportunity to buy or consume products. Therefore, we will also try to bring news about food & beverages operators although limited to airport activities. Progressively we will be reporting other non-aviation revenues from airport operators that are opportunities for companies of any size.
We are interested in providing news on two aspects that have a great deal to do with travel retail: on the one hand, the privatization processes – in their different formulas – on airports, on the other hand, on new digital developments that facilitate the purchase process, or services, in these channels.