Nashville Airport: Airport Authority Breaks Ground on New Concourse D

The 115,000-square-foot Concourse D will feature six domestic aircraft gates and a variety of new dining and retail options. In addition to the new concourse, the project entails expanding the airport’s Ticketing Lobby and Baggage Claim by adding 200,000 square feet of space to the north and south ends of the terminal. Other components of the project include remodeling 136,000 square feet of existing terminal space and building an 11,000-square-foot central utility plant.

The Concourse D project is set for completion in summer 2020.

Nashville International Airport is one the fastest growing airports in North America. In 2017, 14.1 million passengers traveled into and out of BNA, an increase of more than 1.1 million passengers, representing an 8.9 percent increase over the previous year, and setting a new all-time passenger record for the fifth consecutive calendar year. Projections indicate passenger traffic at BNA will surpass 23 million by 2037.

See: First detailed look at the final plans for the renovation of the terminal and new plaza at Nashville International Airport (BNA), including a hotel and transit station to accommodate plans for future light rail.

Source: The Metropolitan Nashville Airport Authority (MNAA)

Bucharest’s main airport may get new EUR 1 bln terminal

Bucharest’s Henri Coanda International Airport may get a new passenger terminal, part of a wider development project with an estimated value of RON 4.75 billion (over EUR 1 billion).

The Transport Ministry has launched into public debate a Government decision draft for approving the technical and economic indicators of this project, which is presented as an investment objective of national importance and public utility.

Besides a new terminal, the project includes a new passenger boarding platform, taxiways, access roads, parking and administrative buildings. The investment should be carried out over a period of five years and will be financed from the Bucharest Airport Company’s own funds as well as from EU funds, bank loans and other private sources.

The Henri Coanda International Airport currently has only one terminal made of several buildings. The airport has seen a fast increase in the number of passengers transiting it in recent years, being among the most dynamic in Europe. Last year, the two airports that serve Bucharest had a total of 12.84 million passengers, up by 16.8% compared to 2016. This year, the number is expected to surpass 14 million.

Source: Romania Insider

Cleveland Hopkins International Airport plan to charge limos, shuttles $4 for drop-offs, pickups nearer to passage.

A plan to charge shuttle and limousine services a fee for each drop-off and pickup at the Cleveland Hopkins International Airport cleared a key vote Wednesday, setting the plan up for enactment in July.

City Council’s Transportation Committee voted 3-2 to support the plan, which airport leaders say could raise as much as $1.8 million a year to help pay operational costs at Hopkins.

Airport officials want to collect a $4 fee from off-site parking operators, hotel shuttles and limousine companies for each drop-off and pickup they make.

Uber and Lyft drivers and taxis already pay the fee.

Off-site shuttles — for Park Place, Park ‘N Fly, hotels, limos and other companies – now pay $550 a year for each vehicle they use to pick up and drop off passengers, regardless of how many trips are made or how many passengers are carried.

Patrick Keenan, a spokesman for Americab, spoke in support of the fee Wednesday, saying that extending it to limos and shuttles would help level the playing field among ride providers.

Rideshare services and taxis account for 63 percent of the passengers at Hopkins but contribute about 95 percent of the total revenue the airport collects from ride providers.

The airport would begin collecting the fee in January 2019.

Año 2017: Operadores mundiales de aeropuertos / Global airport operators

La estadística de pasajeros de aeropuertos mundiales a lo largo del año 2017 ha dejado la clasificación de operadores de aeropuertos mundiales que se puede ver en el cuadro que se adjunta.

Dos datos a destacar:

Por número de pasajeros el operador aeroportuario español, AENA, es el primero del mundo al sumar los pasajeros que transitan por los aeropuertos de los 5 países en los que opera. También es líder en número de aeropuertos gestionados: 64.

Tras AENA, Corporación América ocupa el segundo puesto en aeropuertos gestionados  con un número de 48 en 7 países.

NB: La estadística que se recoge en esta tabla hace referencia en casi su totalidad a datos de tráfico de 2017 por lo que las desviaciones en alguno de los números no son relevantes. Sin embargo, si lo es – en el caso concreto de ADP – ya que utiliza una metodología distinta en sus estadísticas ya que contabiliza sus pasajeros en función del porcentaje de participación que tiene en cada aeropuerto. Es el único operador que lo hace.

Por áreas geográficas, el resumen es el siguiente: