ASUR anuncia el total de tráfico para Junio del 2018

ASUR, Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste, anunció que el total de pasajeros por el periodo del mes de Junio de 2018 se incrementó en 2.2% comparado con Junio de 2017, reflejando un incremento de 5.8% en México, y decrementos de 2.0% en San Juan y 4.6% en Colombia. La disminución en el tráfico de pasajeros en el aeropuerto de San Juan refleja el impacto del Huracán Maria, que azotó la isla el 21 de septiembre de 2017.

Los datos principales se pueden ver en el siguiente cuadro:

Philippines: large business groups offer to operate regional airports

Big business groups, including those led by businessman Dennis A. Uy and the Aboitiz family, are again seeking to operate and develop select provincial airports that were once part of the public-private partnership (PPP) pipeline.
This came after the Department of Transportation (DOTr) rejected earlier offers seeking to operate and develop multiple airports in one go.
Interested groups were told the DOTr would now only entertain offers for individual air gateways, said Manuel Antonio L. Tamayo, DOTr undersecretary for aviation.

He said Uy’s Chelsea Logistics Holdings Corp. submitted an offer for the Davao International Airport, the country’s third busiest air gateway, while a unit of Aboitiz Equity Ventures submitted an unsolicited proposal for the New Bohol International Airport in Panglao, opening this August.
Ruben Reinoso, DOTr undersecretary for planning, also noted a group called “Mega Seven” submitted a separate unsolicited offer for the Kalibo International Airport, one of two gateways to Boracay Island.
“These are being evaluated,” Tamayo said.
As noted, the DOTr had earlier rejected separate offers from Chelsea and Aboitiz.
Last February 5, Uy-led Chelsea Logistics submitted a P67-billion offer to expand and operate Davao, the country’s largest gateway after Manila and Cebu, and New Bohol via a 30-year concession.
On March 7, Aboitiz InfraCapital offered to expand and operate the airports in Iloilo, Bacolod, Laguindingan and New Bohol. Its offer involved a P148-billion investment and a 35-year concession.

“We don’t like to bundle. Many of these airports like Panglao and Davao can stand on their own. They are financially viable,” Tamayo said.
Davao, for example, handles between three to four million passengers per year versus its capacity of two million passengers annually.

The Aquino administration initially packaged the regional airports in bundles. Its rationale was to entice private sector investments in less viable airports since these would be offset by airports with better business prospects.
Tamayo said they would also separately bid out airports in Iloilo, Bacolod and Laguindingan, which currently have no offers.


Video New Bohol International Airport in Panglao:


Pittsburgh International Airport: two firms to design the new landside terminal

The Allegheny County Airport Authority has hired two firms to design the new landside terminal as part of a $1.1 billion overhaul at Pittsburgh International Airport.

The board voted Friday to hire San Francisco-based Gensler and Omaha-based HDR to design the new landslide terminal for $15 million — an amount that will increase.

Gensler designed the 32-story Tower at PNC Plaza in Downtown Pittsburgh as well as Incheon International Airport in Korea. The firm has offices in 46 cities worldwide, including in Pennsylvania.

HDR has worked on the Honolulu International Airport modernization, and locally, the Greenfield Bridge replacement project in Pittsburgh’s East End. The firm has more than 200 offices worldwide, including one in Downtown Pittsburgh.

Madrid-based luis vidal + architects, a subcontractor, will be primarily responsible for the concept design. Gensler will take the lead on executing the design.

The firm designed the award-winning Terminal 2 at London’s Heathrow Airport and is currently working on designs at the Denver, Boston Logan and Dallas-Fort Worth airports.

Gensler and HDR have worked together on several projects in Chicago. HDR and Vidal’s firm have worked together on many projects.

Another 15 local firms are involved in the team, including 11 that are Disadvantaged Business Enterprise firms.

Eleven firms responded to a request for qualifications in January, and airport officials invited four to submit proposals.

Construction is scheduled to begin next year, and the new terminal is planned to open in 2023 — the year the design contract ends.

Source: Trib Live

El Aeropuerto Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas registra en junio más de 5 millones de pasajeros

Record histórico de pasajeros en el mes de junio y también de pasajeros en vuelos internacionales.

El Aeropuerto Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas ha registrado en junio 5.079.072 pasajeros, lo que representa un porcentaje de crecimiento del 7% con respecto al mismo periodo de 2017. Se trata del mejor mes de junio de toda su historia en el global de pasajeros y en número de pasajeros internacionales.

El número de viajeros internacionales alcanzó los 3.666.721, un 8,5% más que en junio de 2017 y el tráfico de pasajeros nacionales se situó en 1.407.641, un 3,2% más que el mismo mes del año pasado.

Datos acumulados

En los seis primeros meses de 2018, el Aeropuerto Adolfo Suárez Madrid- Barajas ha registrado 27.472.022 pasajeros, un 8,2% más que el mismo período de 2017.