Tiruchi airport’s new terminal takes shape

With tendering process completed for the construction of the state-of-the-art passenger terminal building at the Tiruchi international airport and mandatory clearance having coming through from the Public Investment Board, the multi-crore project is expected to commence in October.

A leading Kolkata based construction company had quoted the lowest price in the bidding process for the multi-layered passenger terminal building construction project at the fast growing Tiruchi airport.

The Airports Authority of India (AAI) was in the process of awarding the work to the lowest bidder for the mega project to be executed at a cost exceeding ₹650 crore, a senior AAI official told The Hindu.

Alongside this development, the Public Investment Board of the Government of India headed by Secretary (Expenditure) has cleared funds to the tune of ₹930 crore for the construction of new passenger terminal building as well as for the construction of a new apron and a new Technical block – Cum – Air Traffic Control Tower at the Tiruchi airport, the official said.

The clearance from the Public Investment Board was mandatory for executing mega projects of the Central Ministries / Public Sector Undertakings.

With these developments taking place, the construction work of the futuristic terminal building was expected to commence in October, the official said.

The new building would come up adjoining the existing structure with the blueprint having already been readied by a French consultant engaged by the AAI.

The design of the new terminal building has been drawn up taking into account the peak hour demand and anticipating growth of passenger traffic over the next 15 years. It would come up on an area exceeding 60,000 square metres on the site owned by the AAI adjoining the existing terminal building with basement and air-side corridor.

Simultaneously, the AAI would soon be submitting the safety assessment pertaining to the terminal building project to obtain clearance from the Directorate General of Civil Aviation.

As per the plan, the new terminal building would be completed in three years from the date of the award of contract.

The plan is to complete the work in 2021. The construction of the new apron would commence soon with the agency putting up a site office and mobilising materials for the proposed project.

The new apron would be in a position to accommodate 10 aircraft.

Source: The Hindu

Wilmington International Airport: Terminal expansion plans

Wilmington International Airport will be going through some changes that will hopefully be finished by 2022.

In phase one, the TSA outbound bag areas will be reconfigured. In the second phase, that will cost about $12 million, the ticket office will be expanded. Construction for that will start in March next year.

Finally the third phase, which will redesign the concourse, gate area, concessions, restaurants and baggage claim areas, is expected to cost $40 million.

Oklahoma City Airport Trust approves terminal expansion plans

The city Airport Trust approved the final construction plans Thursday for $65.3 million in renovations and expansion of Will Rogers World Airport’s terminal building and related facilities.
Airports Director Mark Kranenburg said the primary goal of the project is to increase gate capacity because Will Rogers has only one leasable gate now, which limits marketability to other airlines.
The city also needs to stay on pace with the federal Transportation Security Administration’s passenger-checking processes, officials said. To more efficiently accommodate travelers, the airport will build a new security checkpoint with more space on both sides of the scanning equipment.
The Oklahoma City office of Frankfurt-Short-Bruza Associates has been contracted to design and oversee the project, which includes a new concourse, four new gates, more concessions and larger reception lobbies. As the space is designed now, passenger greeting takes place in a narrow lobby immediately adjacent to the TSA checkpoint and is split by escalators to the baggage claim area.
Rick Johnson, FSB’s chief operating officer, described the new design as something more akin to a “town square.” The design will also provide visitors with upstairs, panoramic views of the airfield with more seating space on the pre-check side of TSA.

Source: The Journal Record

El Aeropuerto de Punta Cana bate records de llegadas de turistas

Al examinar el informe del Banco Central sobre la llegada de extranjeros no residentes (turistas) al país durante el período enero-julio de 2018, que el Aeropuerto Internacional de Punta Cana recibió por sus instalaciones el 69.7% de los turistas extranjeros, es decir un total de 2,492,280 pasajeros con un 7.9 % de in interanual.

En orden de importancia le sigue Las Américas (15.1%) y Puerto Plata (7.8%), mientras que las terminales de La Romana, Cibao, La Isabela y El Catey de Samaná, recibieron en conjunto el restante 7.4% del total de visitantes extranjeros no residentes.


Llegadas totales a República Dominicana

El flujo turístico a Republica Dominicana en términos acumulados para el período enero-julio del año 2018 registró 4,106,474 visitantes no residentes que ingresaron al país por diferentes aeropuertos internacionales, es decir 227,140 viajeros adicionales con respecto a igual período de 2017, para un crecimiento interanual de 5.9%.

Dentro de este resultado, los extranjeros que representan el 87.0% del total de viajeros no residentes, registraron un crecimiento de 4.7%, mientras que la proporción correspondiente a los dominicanos no residentes, es decir el 13.0% restante, experimentó una variación interanual de 14.5%, es decir 67,077 personas adicionales.

América del Norte lidera, crece 7,8 %

La llegada de turistas según región de residencia indica que en el período enero-julio del presente año el 61.2% de los visitantes arribó desde América del Norte, el 22.1% de Europa, un 12.4% procedente de América del Sur, 4.0% desde América Central y El Caribe y el restante 0.3% desde Asia y el Resto del Mundo.

Durante los primeros siete meses del año 2018 la llegada acumulada de extranjeros no residentes, según las regiones de residencia, muestra un crecimiento de 7.8% procedente de América del Norte, es decir 158,887 visitantes adicionales, la mayoría de ellos desde los Estados Unidos de América (112,191) y Canadá (44,811), para un total de 2,190,35 arribados desde dicha región.

Asimismo, resulta importante destacar que el flujo de turistas desde América del Sur registró unos 443,758 viajeros, arrojando un crecimiento de 11.7%, equivalente a 46,612 extranjeros adicionales, destacándose los procedentes de Argentina (36,493), Brasil (20,249) y Chile (7,356).

Fuente: On Line Punta Cana & Bavaro