Canada: Victoria International Airport Announces Terminal Expansion Plans

Victoria Airport Authority (VAA) is undertaking an investment $19.4 million dollars over the next 20 months to expand the lower passenger departure lounge.

The project includes doubling the size of the existing lower passenger departure lounge, providing dedicated aircraft gates and covered walkways, new washrooms and additional food & beverage and retail.

Victoria International Airport (YYJ) saw another record year in 2017 with 1,934,832 passengers, up 4.2% over 2016.  In response to this strong passenger growth and the use of larger aircraft in existing markets, construction of a 1765 m2 addition to the lower passenger departure lounge is set to begin.

“The upsizing of aircraft from 30-50 seat Dash-8’s to 76-80 seat Q400’s combined with passenger growth has driven the need to expand our lower passenger departures lounge.  This is part of a multi-phase terminal and apron expansion plan.  The need to improve safety on the main aircraft apron and create efficiencies for passengers entering and exiting the passenger departure lounge, resulted in the airport recently completing an apron expansion that now accommodates the physical space required to expand the glass departure building north and eliminate the existing covered walkway. These improvements will not only improve overall safety and operations but will also enhance the airport experience for our customers by providing additional seating, new accessibility considerations and enhanced concessions.

The Offices of McFarlane Biggar (OMB) Architects in Vancouver was selected to lead the design team and Victoria based Durwest Construction Management (DCM) will manage the project.

About Victoria International Airport

Victoria International Airport (Airport Code: YYJ) is the 10th busiest airport in Canada with over 1.93 million passengers per year.  Victoria is well served with more than 100 daily flights throughout North America.  YYJ was rated among one of the top ten most-loved airports in the world by CNN Travel and was twice named ‘Best Regional Airport in North America’ by Airports Council Internationa

2018-2027 Airports: USA forecast

Growth in international traffic for many airports, congestion at key airline hubs and a continuation of problems for small airports are among the airport trends predicted Boyd Group International.

The 2018-2027 Airports: USA forecast of enplanements and air service trends was released ahead of the Boyd Group’s International Aviation Forecast Summit happening August 19-21. The forecast calls for growth to 1.1 billion enplanements in 2027, up from 825 million in 2017. “Hubsite” airports, or airports where 22 percent or more traffic is connecting, are projected to see enplanement growth of 25.7 percent. Large non-hubsite airports and regional airports are projected to have enplanement growth in excess of 30 percent during the 10-year period.

The Boyd Group predicts that the nation’s largest hubsite airports will be overwhelmed with increasing passenger numbers, due in part to the move toward usage of larger aircraft. That, in turn, will have negative impacts elsewhere. The report notes that “due to larger aircraft, the bar for service to smaller airports will be going up considerably.”

In fact, The Boyd Group reiterated its long-standing position that some small airport simply can’t support commercial service under the shifting airline model. “Embracing the larger airport, 45-50 or even 90 minutes away may be the only option for the future,” the report said.

For larger airports, international flying will become increasingly important. The report predicts that the international component of U.S. airport traffic, now comprising more than 30 percent, will be over 36 percent by 2027. This includes direct international traffic, and that which is indirectly delivered via foreign visitors making trips within the U.S. subsequent to their arrival.
The Boyd Group predicts more international service from coastal U.S. airports, due in part to “new generation airliners” that are expanding flight options between the U.S. and the European Union. That trend builds on expansion of international service to several mid-sized airports in recent years. The report also notes that China access will become increasingly important to U.S. airports.

Finally, the report predicted continuing uncertainty due to what it calls the “wildcatter” airline segment. These are the ultra-low-cost carriers, both domestic and international, that offer service as a discretionary spend rather than in response to demonstrated demand. “This can result in huge traffic spikes at small and mid-size airports,” the report notes, “but those spikes can rapidly deflate if the ULCC finds the traffic to be unsatisfactory.”

SOURCE: vía Airport Experience News

México: Tráfico de pasajeros de los grupos aeroportuarios podría desacelerarse

Analistas bursátiles estimaron que a partir del tercer trimestre del año y durante el primer semestre del 2019, el tráfico de pasajeros del Grupo Asur, Grupo Oma y el Gap, que cotizan en la BMV, presenten desaceleraciones.

Lo anterior a consecuencia de dos catalizadores principales: el alza en los precios del petróleo, el cual presiona la rentabilidad de las aerolíneas; y por el incremento gradual de las tarifas promedio, de acuerdo a Marco Montañez, analista del sector aeroportuario en Vector casa de Bolsa.

Al segundo trimestre del año, el alza en los precios del petróleo representó un incremento de 41.2% en los costos de la aerolínea de bajo costo Volaris, equivalente a 45.3 pesos o 2.3 dólares por galón.

Por su parte, Aeroméxico mencionó en su segundo reporte trimestral un aumento de 18.3% en gastos operacionales a 16,639 millones de pesos como resultado del incremento del combustible y depreciación cambiaria.

“Lo más probable es que veamos para la segunda mitad o trimestre del año una desaceleración sobre lo que vimos en la primer mitad del 2018 con un crecimiento de tráfico muy sólido (…) consecuencia de una desaceleración en la capacidad de las aerolíneas y lo vamos a ver en los tres grupos aeroportuarios”, expresó.


OMA anunció que sus 13 aeropuertos registraron un incremento de 8.9% a 1 millón 965,000 pasajeros durante agosto; desde los 1.8 millones de usuarios del año pasado; impulsado por un alza de 17.5% en la terminal de Chihuahua y 16.1% en Torreón.

Al octavo mes del año, GAP reportó un aumento anualizado de 7.4% a 3.7 millones de pasajeros, comparados con los 3.4 millones presentados en el mismo periodo del año anterior. El resultado fue menor al estimado por el analista de Banorte quien proyectó un incremento de 9.0 por ciento¨.

Asur anunció que sus 16 aeropuertos en el continente americano acumularon un incremento de 3.1% al octavo mes del año a 4.6 millones pasajeros. Este resultado es ligeramente menor a los 3.9% estimados por José Espitia, analista en Banorte.

Source: AeroLatin News

Ghana: Kokota Airport Terminal 3 to be operational from september 15

The Managing Director of the Ghana Airports Company Limited, Mr John Dekyem Attafuah has announced that the newly constructed Terminal 3 of the Kotoka International Airport will become fully operational on September 15 ahead of its official inauguration by President Akufo-Addo on October 2.

“Last Monday we started live flights from this airport, we had four flights on Monday, four airlines used here but for Emirates, for example, they came in went to Abidjan and came back in. So that’s what we have and today We have had our first arrivals to this terminal and so far all our systems have worked as we had expected and we are very confident that come the 15th of September, we should not have any problems and challenges,” Mr Attafuah added.

He further disclosed that Terminal 2 will now be used for domestic flights.

Minister’s assessment of Terminal 3

Mr Adda in his assessment after the tour described Terminal 3 as a ‘top class’ facility comparable to the best terminals in airports across the world.

The Minister also charged all staff of the GACL and users of the terminal to ensure that the maintenance manuals of the facility were adhered to.