Moscow Sheremetyevo announces tender to reconstruct northern terminals

Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport has announced a tender for investors to take part in the reconstruction of its northern terminals. Deadline for applications is Aug. 26. The airport plans to create a new complex to accommodate up to 40 million passengers per year. The renovation should start with Terminal B and will increase capacity to 10 million passengers per year after the first phase.

Source: Air Transport World

Aeropuerto de Quito anuncia plan de expansión 2017-2020

La terminal y plan maestro del aeropuerto fue contemplado para que su crecimiento sea desarrollo por etapas y bajo parámetros de cumplimiento del contrato de administración y concesión del aeropuerto, actualmente a cargo de Quiport S.A.

En esta Fase, que empezó el año 2017, se contemplan las siguientes mejoras

  • Extensión de la terminal de pasajeros: la cual crecerá un entre un 18% y 21% de aumento en el área de procesos que contempla la instalación de seis quioscos adicionales de auto chequeo y el incremento del área de migración en un 34% y de aduana en un 13%. El área de embarque crecerá en 3.200 m2, permitiendo el aumento de la capacidad de salas de embarque en un 19%, incluyendo una puerta de embarque y una manga adicional.
  • Expansión de la plataforma comercial de pasajeros,con la construcción de 11 215 m2 con un puesto de estacionamiento para aeronaves adicional.

El plan de mejoras y expansión tiene una inversión de US$ 90 millones, distribuidos en US$ 60 millones para obras de expansión y US$ 30 millones para mejoras.

  • Crecimiento y readecuación de la Sala VIP Internacional (entregado 2017).
  • Implementación del área de tránsito: facilita los procesos aeroportuarios en las conexiones de los pasajeros en tránsito (entregado 2017).

Para el año 2020, se realizará la entrega de los siguientes proyectos:

  • Reconfiguración del Hall Público de Salidas: se trasladará el counter de información a un espacio con mayor visibilidad en el centro del hall, de tal manera que algunas tiendas serán reubicadas permitiendo un mejor aprovechamiento del espacio. También se emplearán nuevos acabados y pisos que modernizarán esta área.
  • Reconfiguración del área de arribo: con miras al incremento de la capacidad, se contempla instalar una sexta banda de equipaje con el fin de optimizar la entrega de equipaje y dar mayor comodidad al viajero.

También cabe recalcar, que en el Aeropuerto de Quito, en paralelo, también se construye la nueva  ZEDE QUITO o Zona Especial de Desarrolla (Special Economic Development Zone) lo que es conocido como zona franca, ubicado al sur de la pista en su lado oriental.

Desde su inauguración, el Mariscal Sucre ha pasado ya por 2 fases de ampliación. La Fase 1 que contempló la ampliación de la terminal nacional incorporando 2 nuevas mangas de abordaje y la Fase 2A que implicó la ampliación de la plataforma de carga aumentando su capacidad con 2 nuevos puestos de estacionamiento para aeronaves de gran tamaño tipo Boeing 777F o Boeing 747F.

La creciente demanda de pasajeros internacionales impulsa esta nueva etapa, que además, según demanda y horas pico permitirá ampliar la capacidad de las puertas de embarque dedicadas para los vuelos domésticos e internacionales.

Fuente: Nicolás Larenas

Thailand: Construction of new Khon Kaen airport terminal begins

Transport Minister Arkhom Termpittayapaisith on Sunday presided over the foundation stone-laying ceremony for construction of a new passenger terminal for the Khon Kaen international airport.

A budget of about 2 billion baht was approved by the cabinet on Oct 10 last year for the construction of the second terminal, the expansion of the existing terminal building and the extension of the car park building.

Under the plan, the existing terminal building will be expanded from 16,500 square metres to 44,500 square metres to accommodate a larger number of passengers – from 1,000 to 2,000 per hour, or about 5 million passengers per year.

The car park building will be extended from five floors for 450 cars to seven floors for 1,160 cars.

Mr Arkhom said the project is due to be completed in three years.

The minister said the new passenger terminal will be built in a northeastern architectural style, accentuating the identity of the Northeast, together with modern technology to serve passengers.

The Khon Kaen international airport currently serves 18 arrival and 18 departure flights per day, all regional. In the near future, he said, the airport will also provide service to several cities in China.

Mr Arkhom said the new passenger terminal will open in late 2021, complementing transportation links to be provided by the Nakhon Ratchasima-Nong Khai high-speed rail route now under construction.

Source: Bangkok Post

Sarajevo Airport unveils future plans

Sarajevo Airport is preparing to commence work on the multi million euro expansion of its terminal building (pictured above), as well as the construction of its new business and administrative headquarters, while pursuing new carriers and routes. Last week, Sarajevo Airport inked a 15.3 million euro contract with local company ANS Drive to add an extra 10.000 square metres to its terminal building. Furthermore, the deal also includes the construction of an office/business facility at the airport, worth three million euros. The two projects will be financed from the airport’s own funds. «The expansion of the passenger terminal and the construction of a business facility are important strategic projects for Sarajevo Airport, which will provide capacity for further growth», General Manager, Armin Kajmaković, said.
Sarajevo Airport’s planned new business and administrative headquarters

Upon completion, the terminal building will have the capacity to handle two million passengers. Currently, Sarajevo can welcome one million travellers per year, with the airport set to surpass that figure during the fourth quarter of 2018. Construction is expected to start this autumn, with its completion scheduled for late 2019. Previously, the old terminal A building was demolished in order to make way for the expanded facility. The new business and administrative building, which will house offices for airport staff, will be located next to the control tower. In addition, following two years of trials, the airport will fully implement its anti-fog system this winter, in order to reduce cancellations and delays resulting from adverse weather conditions. The system involves spraying liquid propane into the atmosphere, which turns fog into ice particles or snow crystals that then fall onto the ground . «We can say with all certainty that this system will be fully operational this winter. Over the past few seasons we successfully tested it and had fewer cancelled flights», Mr Kajmaković said.

The airport is also looking to attract new carriers. Aegean Airlines will commence seasonal flights from Athens to Sarajevo on June 13 of next year, while talks are taking place with several other carriers as well. «We expect developments in the opening of new routes. I recently attended the singing of a new bilateral air service agreement between China and Bosnia and Herzegovina and I had the opportunity to hold talks with Chinese aviation regulators, as well as representatives from several of their airlines. There is a lot of room for cooperation«, Mr Kajmaković said. He added, «We are in talks with several airlines over flights to Riyadh and Bahrain, and we have also held discussions concerning services to Skopje, however, airlines remain apprehensive about this route. We are working hard behind the scenes. When the talks are finalised it will be easy to announce and promote new routes».
Source: Ex-Yu Aviation News