Round 2 of renovations begin at Ford Airport

Gerald R. Ford International Airport is encouraging travelers to arrive earlier as crews begin upgrades to airline ticket counters, baggage claims and curbside areas.

Construction on the $18 million second phase of the airport’s Gateway Transformation Project officially began Monday and will continue through the summer of 2020.

Ford Airport plans to add food and beverage vendors as well as restrooms to the area surrounding its baggage carousels.

The first stage of the airport’s $45 million Gateway Transformation Project spanned December 2015 to September 2017 and included consolidating security and adding new retail and concession areas, restrooms, nursing rooms and business centers.

Source: Wood8 TV


Cabinet has approved the construction of an International Airport in Itezhi Tezhi District.

Central Province Permanent Secretary, Chanda Kabwe says the Ministry of finance is working on the financing modalities.

Mr Kabwe says the Airport will be constructed under a Public Private Partnership.

He told ZNBC News in an interview that this will be key to the tourism sector as the Airport will also service the Kafue National Park.

And Mr Kabwe says an investor will put up a multi-million hotel in Chitambo where the bat migration takes place

Source: Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation

Note: The proposed site for the airport is on a land approximately 6 kilometres North East of Itezhi Tezhi along the D769 road that links Itezhi Tezhi to Mongu –Lusaka Road.

The project once completed will be a magnet for business locations, commercial transactions, information exchange, and leisure activities.
The airport will become the main gateway into the Kafue National Park and is envisaged to boost the tourism industry in Itezhi Tezhi which has been a tourism sleeping giant.

Perú: Congreso aprueba construcción de aeropuerto internacional en Áncash

Áncash, una de las regiones con mayor índice demográfico en el país, contará con un nuevo aeropuerto, según informó el Congreso de la República.

El nuevo terminal aeroportuario tendrá el nombre de Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo y estará ubicado en el distrito de Cátac, de la provincia de Recuay, lugar estratégico en el ámbito comercial.

La parlamentaria  María Melgarejo Paúcar, autora del proyecto, explicó que es imprescindible la construcción de un terminal aeroportuario internacional en Cátac, a fin de dinamizar la conexión aérea nacional e internacional, impulsar la economía, cultura y el turismo.

“Los proyectos de los aeropuertos de Chincheros (Cusco) y Orcotuna (Junín) han fracasado por motivos conocidos. El aeropuerto de Antúnez de Mayolo se complementa geográficamente con el Jorge Chávez. Por tal motivo, consideró que es el llamado a ser construido”, expresó la congresista.

Duty-free status for Pangkor Island set to boost state tourism industry

The newly-announced duty-free status for Pangkor Island effective next year will certainly be a boost to the tourism sector in the state.

State Tourism, Arts and Culture committee chairman Tan Kar Hing said the island would be a tourist attraction for visitors to stay and spend.

“We have seen how the tourism industry has changed in Tioman Island and Langkawi Island after both were accorded duty-free status.

“The state government is very grateful with this good news announced today but we need to get more thorough details from the Finance Ministry,” he said when contacted today.

Tan added that there were different views on what items would be exempted from tax because there were some parties who did not want cigarettes and liquor to be included in tax exempted products.

He also hoped that the duty-free status would enable more air traffic at the Pangkor airport.

“Foreign tourists will usually land at Sultan Azlan Shah airport in Ipoh. As such, it is wise to have a new route from Ipoh to Pangkor directly. At this moment, tourists from Ipoh need to drive about two hours to reach the island,” he said.

Source: New Straits Time