Norman Manley Int’l Airport in Kingston, Jamaica: Bids Pushed Back To June

The bid deadline of submittal of offers for concession of the Norman Manley Int’l Airport in Kingston, Jamaica has been extended to June, expected by 27th.

Initially, nine bidders were identified, but a consortium called Jamaica Infra Development Partners Limited did not appear on subsequent lists.

The eight, which includes two of Jamaica’s top conglomerates, are:

– Vinci Airports SAS;

– Cedicor SA;

– Acciona Concessiones, SL/Airports Company South Africa Soc. Limited/Acciona Airports Services, SA;

– GMR Infrastructure Limited;

– ZAIA-APORT Consortium, comprising Zurich Airport International AG/A-Port Operaciones SA/A-Port Chile SA;

– Grupo Aeroportuario Del Pacifico SAB de CV;

– Corporacion Aeroportuario Del Este, SAS/China Harbour Engineering Company Limited/ Gulfstream Petroleum S de RL/Jamaica Producers Group Limited;

– EGIS Projects SA/ GraceKennedy Company Jamaica Limited/Lagan Construction International Limited.

The concession agreement would be signed with the winning bidder by September, and financial closing of the deal scheduled one year later in September 2019.

Source: The Gleaner, Jamaica.

Cayman Islands Airports Authority: notifies bid winners of concessions contracts

Successful bidders for concessions facilities at Owen Roberts International Airport were notified Saturday via letters from the Cayman Islands Airports Authority, the Cayman Compass has learned.

The new airport departures terminal is expected to be substantially complete by the end of this year.

A total of 42 bids for concessions services were received by the airports authority last year for available spots inside and outside the terminal; however, airport officials missed their own deadline to announce the bid winners, set for December 2017.

The authority then sought permission from all concessions applicants to retroactively extend the original bids’ validity period until June 7, 2018.

It is not known whether all of the bidders gave signed consent for the extension, but the bidders contacted by the Compass during the weekend assumed all companies involved had done so.

According to information provided to the Cayman Compass, the successful bidders included Tortuga Rum Company, Island Companies, Jacques Scott, Kirk Freeport and Island Taste (including the Hungry Horse restaurant). It was understood those five companies received a collective total of 10 of the available concessions spaces at the new departures terminal.

Source: Cayman Compass


La licitación del nuevo aeropuerto El Dorado II, Bogotá, comenzará en dos meses

Después de varios años, el proceso de licitación del segundo aeropuerto del área de Bogotá (El Dorado II) comenzará en agosto. Se prevé que la fase inicial concluya en un plazo de cinco años.

En diciembre de 2016 el gobierno nacional, por medio de la Agencia Nacional de Infraestructura (ANI), adjudicó por concurso de méritos la estructuración de este proyecto al consorcio conformado por la empresa británica Mott MacDonald, la española Aertec Solutions y la colombiana C&M Consultores.

El aeropuerto se construirá entre los municipios de Madrid y Facatativá y tendrá una capacidad de 7,5 millones de pasajeros anuales y responde a la idea de que el actual aeropuerto de El Dorado I se saturará entre 2022 y 2025.

Plan Maestro del aeropuerto El Dorado II:

Eight groups acquired bid documents for the 25-year concession to operate Clark airport (Philippines).

The bid submission is targeted on July 20, 2018, with awarding seen by Aug. 24 this year. These groups were Megawide Construction Corp. together with India’s GMR Infrastructure, Metro Pacific Investment Corp., Filinvest Development Corp., San Miguel Holdings Corp., Manuel Villar Jr.’s Prime Asset Venture, and Central Luzon Infrastructure Consultancy Inc. consortium. Foreign groups included India’s GVK Airport Developers Ltd. and France’s Groupe ADP, previously known Aéroports de Paris, which helped design the long-term master plan for Clark airport. The volume of passengers at the airport in 2017 was 1,514,000. More than 70% of the total number of international passengers.

(Source: Business Inquirer and TMS)