New concessions opportunities for the revamped LaGuardia Airport (LGA)

New concessions opportunities for the revamped LaGuardia Airport (LGA) will be released “within the next month or so” and possibly as soon as the end of July, according to Ed Baklor, chief commercial officer of LaGuardia Gateway Partners, the consortium selected two years ago to revitalize the aging airport.
The upcoming solicitation “will be going out broadly, widely, to people who have expressed interest,” Baklor says. ACDBEs and other small businesses will be encouraged to propose on opportunities individually or through partners, he adds.

“We’ll be announcing food and beverage first with a very fast follow on the retail side,” Baklor says, adding that he hopes the announcement will come before the end of July.

At the Head House, guests will check in through a common-use area and one central security checkpoint, then advance to the fourth floor which will house the main commercial district, where the lion’s share of concessions will be located.


Dominica: Prime Minister promised that his government will build an international airport

Prime Minister, Roosevelt Skerrit, has announced that two friendly governments have given their commitment to assist Dominica in the construction of a much-talked-about international airport.
Speaking at the presentation of the National Budget on Wednesday, he also said there is an agreement “in principle” from a firm to provide funding for such a facility.
“I am therefore pleased to inform this Honourable House that progress is being made towards the realisation of the international airport,” Skerrit said. “Government has set aside funds for construction and we have an agreement in principle from a major firm to assist in additional funding required.”
He said two “friendly governments” have agreed to assist in the project.
“In addition, two friendly countries have given commitments to assist with various aspects of the airport,” he stated, without naming the friendly governments. “We propose to commence negotiations in September 2018, for the 50 acquisition of private lands and properties necessary to facilitate the construction of the international airport.”
The Prime Minister noted that an international airport will help secure the island’s investment in tourism.
“The international airport will certainly help secure the investments made in tourism and the export of our agricultural produce and contribute to building economic resilience,” he said.
He vowed that his government will build an international airport in Dominica.

Sourde: St Lucia News

Note about Dominica´s airports: 

Douglas–Charles Airport, formerly known as Melville Hall Airport, is an airport located on the northeast coast of Dominica, 2 mi (3.2 km) northwest of Marigot. It is about one hour away from the second largest city Portsmouth. It is one of only two airports in the island nation of Dominica, the other being Canefield Airport located three miles (5 km) northeast of Roseau.

Malaysia: We need to find other ways to expand Penang airport

The federal government has to find other methods to finance the expansion of the Penang International Airport, Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng said today.
He said this was because the federal government had no money, all of which had been “taken by certain people”.
The former Penang chief minister said a proposal to expand the Penang airport had already been mooted and he hoped the project will be carried out early next year.
“The expansion project and any allocations have yet to be approved. So we need to find other means to fund the project because the federal government’s finances are extremely limited.

“We are now waiting for a project paper to be tabled to Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad (MAHB), the transport ministry and the finance ministry.
Guan Eng said the airport had already seen 7.2 million passengers last year, which was beyond its current capacity of 6.5 million passengers.
“I think this year, the number of passengers will come up to between 7.7 million and 7.8 million.
“It (the situation at the airport) will become worse than a night market, which is why we really need the expansion.”

In a reply, its minister, Anthony Loke Siew Fook, said as a short-term measure, the ministry, through Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad (MAHB), is planning to implement optimisation measures at the terminal to reduce the congestion, especially during peak hours.
As a long-term measure, MAHB planned to increase the passenger handling capacity from 6.5 million passengers a year to 12 million passengers a year. It was now in the process of appointing a consultant through an open tender.
As for the details on the project’s overall costs, this was subject to detailed studies which would be carried out by the appointed consultant.

Source: Free Malaysia Today

El Salvador: Inicia trabajos de ampliación en Aeropuerto Monseñor Romero

Esta semana iniciaron las obras de ampliación del Aeropuerto Internacional de El Salvador Monseñor Óscar Arnulfo Romero en las que el gobierno invierte unos 66 millones de dólares.

En este proceso, la Comisión Ejecutiva Portuaria Autónoma (CEPA) fungirá como administrador del contrato y la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas de Servicios para Proyectos (UNOPS) estará a cargo del contrato de supervisión de la obra.

La terminal –antes llamada Aeropuerto Internacional Cuscatlán- inició operaciones en 1980 en un área de 17.518 m2 para atender con capacidad para atender a 600.000 pasajeros anuales.

En 1996, la infraestructura fue ampliada en 11.454,75m2 y en 1998 se añadieron 14.986,5 adicionales, con estas dos últimas obras se aumentó la capacidad a 1,6 millones de usuarios.

Con el nuevo proyecto se agregarán 23.216 m2, de los cuales 21.673 m2 se destinarán a la construcción del Edificio Terminal de Pasajeros, un edificio de tres pisos, con cinco puertas de embarque y sus respectivos puentes de abordaje.

El inmueble tendrá además salas de espera, pasillos de circulación, área comercial, zona de inspección de seguridad y vías de circulación vehicular.

Los restantes 1.543 m2 conformarán el área de lobby de bienvenida y con esto, según CEPA, la capacidad de la terminal aéreallegará a tres millones de pasajeros.

Fuente: E&N y otros