Sri Lanka: Fresh bids to be called for Bandaranaike International Airport (BIA) development project

The Government is to call for fresh bids for the construction of a new terminal at the Bandaranaike International Airport after the Cabinet decided to cancel the bid from Japan on grounds that it was too high, a senior official said.

Airport and Aviation Service Sri Lanka Ltd Chairman Saman Ediriweera told the Sunday Times that the bid had a difference of 46 percent when compared to the engineer’s estimate. The Cabinet, which considered the proposal, had decided to cancel the bidding process and advised to obtain the concurrence from JICA (Japanese International Cooperation Agency) for rebidding for the US$ 700 million project.

It was also proposed to promote the project as a Public-Private Partnership (PPP). A detailed design for the project was carried out by the Japan Airport Consultants in 2006 at a cost of Rs 340 million, but the project was delayed due to a range of reasons. The bidding process for the Stage Two of the project’s phase II resumed in September/November 2016 in two packages. However only one contractor was found and that too only for one package of the project.

The decision to call fresh bids is now set to delay the construction of the terminal until 2022. Mr Ediriweera said that the present terminal handled more than 10 million passengers annually though it was geared to handle around 6 million

Rwanda to hit the one million mark of passengers and news about the Bugesera airport

The number of people visiting or transiting through Rwandan airports is set to increase to over one million this fiscal year, according to projections from the Ministry of Infrastructure and affiliated institutions.

According to figures presented by the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Infrastructure, Christian Rwakunda, aviation traffic will rise to 1,151,300, from 926,571 passengers.

The number has been on the increase given that those who had visited or transited through the country in 2016-17 were 747,761, according to the officials.

Presenting the performance contracts signed between the ministry with its line agencies, Rwakunda said that the national carrier, RwandAir, which is behind these increasing numbers, will this fiscal year add five new destinations.

This will increase RwandAir’s number of destinations to 31 in Africa, Europe, Asia and North America.

Rwakunda said that the new destinations to be added through the fiscal year including Addis- Ababa, Guangzhou, Tel-Aviv, Conakry and New York.

“Air transport sector registered a substantial growth in terms of passenger numbers, routes expansion and airport expansion and construction,” he added.

Recently, the national carrier added new destinations including Brussels, London, Dakar, Abuja, and Cape Town. Before that, the airline had opened other long-haul flights to London in the United Kingdom and Mumbai in India.

Update on Bugesera airport

Rwakunda said that the construction of Phase One of Bugesera International Airport has made great strides, saying that next June the works will be 70 percent complete.

Completion is expected before the end of the first quarter of fiscal year 2019-20, according to officials.

In 2017, Rwanda hosted 169 international meetings which brought tens of thousands of customers to its hotels, restaurants and the national airline and $40m was injected into the economy, according to RDB.

It affirms that going forward; the country will position itself as a leading destination for tourism, conference and meeting destination in Africa.

Istanbul’s huge new airport opens in October and is expected to become the world’s busiest airport

Istambul new airport

The first phase of Istanbul’s new airport is due to open in October 2018, and once it is complete, it is expected to become the world’s busiest airport.

Istanbul’s huge new airport is scheduled to open in October.
Istanbul New Airport will be constructed over an area of 76.5 million square meters to the north of İstanbul, 35km away from the city centre. The construction will be carried out in four phases, and the first is scheduled to open on 29 October, Turkey’s Republic Day. It will comprise of three runways and a terminal with a capacity for 90 million passengers.

Once complete, the new airport will have six runways and will host flights going to more than 300 destinations. It will have an annual passenger capacity of up to 200 million people, making it the world’s busiest airport.

Its air traffic control tower is inspired by the tulip, which has been the symbol of İstanbul for many centuries and is an important cultural reference in Turkish-Islamic history. There will be a large duty-free shopping area, and a food and beverage area that IGA, which was founded in 2013 to construct and operate the airport for 25 years, says is bigger than that found in more airports.

Atatürk International Airport is the city’s current airport, but it is ageing and overloaded. It will eventually be converted into a public park, and all flights will ultimately be transferred over to the new airport.


Descartan hacer nueva terminal en el aeropuerto de Cancún (ampliación de noticia)

Hasta el momento no hay nada que indique que habrá una Terminal 5, “antes de que la iniciemos, por lo menos veremos tres ampliaciones en la T4 –una ya está en marcha–“, dio a conocer Carlos Trueba Coll, director general del aeropuerto de Cancún, según recoge lajornadamaya luego de las noticias aparecidas de que se construiría una nueva terminal.

“Antes que iniciemos la T5, por lo menos veremos dos ampliaciones en la número cuatro”, aseguró el directivo, quien añadió que previamente habrá construcciones y mejoras en prácticamente toda la infraestructura del aeropuerto.

“Habrá una ampliación y mejoramiento de la llegada internacional de la T2, primordialmente en las áreas de Migración, Aduanas y la sala de llegadas internacionales; también tenemos una ampliación y mejoramiento en el área de llegadas de la T3; en este quinquenio estaríamos ampliando la T4”, aclaró.

También informó una inversión de cinco mil 882 millones de pesos para el quinquenio 2019-2023 en proyectos de ampliación y mejoramiento en diversas áreas de las terminales 2 y 3, entre otras en las áreas de Migración y Aduana, que desde siempre han sido dolor de cabeza para los hoteleros y turisteros debido a que en ocasiones la espera rebasa la hora.

Como parte de su Plan Maestro de Desarrollo, el Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste (Asur) tiene contemplada la ampliación de la Terminal 4 del coso aéreo, pues el incremento de capacidad se realiza en base a las expectativas de crecimiento para garantizar que haya capacidad de operar.

También habrá una gran cantidad de mejoras en equipamiento, instalaciones, en materia de seguridad aeroportuaria y en la operacional, en medio ambiente, y dentro del programa de rodaje está construir uno nuevo paralelo a la pista 12 izquierda-30 derecha, que es la nueva, y más que permitan mejorar la capacidad operativa del aeropuerto.

Source: Reportur Mx