The Kempe Gowda international airport reported a stellar growth in traffic volumes in the April-June period, handling eight million passengers. The airport, operated by the Bangalore International Airport, has registered a 33% growth in the quarter compared to the same period last year.
The number of passengers who passed through the airport in the three months grew to eight million from six million in the corresponding period last year. The airport created another record with 98,869 passengers arriving and departing on June 30, making it the busiest day since the airport started its operations.

Domestic and international passenger traffic grew 36% and 17%, in that order, primarily on the back of holiday season and special offers from airlines. Seven million domestic passengers and 1.1 million international fliers passed through the airport in the quarter, the BIAL said in a press release.
Thirty-three passenger airlines — eight domestic and 25 international airlines — connected Bengaluru with 67 destinations (45 domestic and 22 international) during the first quarter. Gulf Air, which started operations on May 1 is the new addition, connecting Bengaluru to Bahrain with daily flights.
A total of 11 cargo airlines, including one domestic and 10 international, connect Bengaluru. The top domestic destinations during the first quarter were Delhi (1,115,145), Mumbai (875,474) and Kolkata (473,089) while the top international destinations were Dubai (209,425), Singapore (163,638) and Abu Dhabi (77,166).
Source: The Economic Times. India Times