Fraport Unveils Plans for Macedonia Airport, Aims to Boost Traffic by 47%

German airport operator Fraport unveiled ambitious plans for the makeover of the Macedonia Airport in Thessaloniki during a special event held at the port city’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TCCI) this week.

Aiming to transform Macedonia Airport into the company’s flagship, Fraport’s priorities include major upgrade works to the terminal and trade space with the goal of increasing passenger traffic by 48 percent through to 2026.


The Frankfurt-based transport company, which manages 14 regional airports across Greece, is also in the process of forging new agreements with airlines and partner companies, aiming to extend the tourist season and enhance the overall tourism market.

The company will among others increase airport capacity, improve the quality of services, increase the number of check-in stations by 47 percent, baggage claim areas by 75 percent, the total number of gates by 50 percent as well as double security zones.


Fraport management said the airport upgrade will lead to “a new era for tourism in Thessaloniki and the wider Macedonia region… reinforcing the port city’s position as a leading trade, business and tourist destination – a hub for Southern Europe”.

Source: GTP Headlines

Terminal 2 del Aeropuerto de Tocumen iniciará parcialmente las operaciones en enero de 2019

A partir de enero de 2019, se dará la apertura parcial de la Terminal 2 del Aeropuerto Internacional de Tocumen, de acuerdo al cronograma de trabajo establecido por la administración de Tocumen S.A.

El vicepresidente de Ingeniería y Proyectos, encargado Mario Caparroso, indicó que el proyecto de ampliación de la terminalaérea registra un avance físico de 90% y financiero de un 92%.

Explicó que la Terminal 2 registra importantes avances, en lo que respecta a las fases internas y externas de construcción, como: El techo con un 95% de avance, muro cortina 98%, escaleras mecánicas 95%, pisos 75%, instalación de cubierta 95%, pintura de estructura metálica de techo 95%, aceras móviles 98%, paredes de concreto 95%, calles de rodaje 98%, tanques de combustible 75% y puertas de abordaje 90%.

Para la Jornada Mundial de la Juventud, la Terminal 2 tendrá operando 5 puertas de abordaje de manera temporal y se espera que para finales del mes de junio de 2019, esté operando en su totalidad.

Arriva Malpensa Prime: il nuovo terminal pronto per il 2019

Milano avrà presto il suo Malpensa Prime, il nuovo terminal dedicato al segmento business per l’aeroporto meneghino.

Dopo il successo di Linate Prime, che nei primi sei mesi di quest’anno ha registrato un incremento di traffico del +3%, è tutto pronto per un bis a Malpensa: il nuovo terminal verrà inaugurato a giugno 2019 e offrirà tutte le facilities dedicate alla Business & General Aviation. Vale a dire: un’aerostazione per l’accoglienza di passeggeri ed equipaggi, un piazzale dedicato e un hangar, già operativo, per la sosta e il ricovero di executive jet di ultima generazione.

Milano è la capitale del design e della moda – ha spiegato Chiara Dorigotti, direttore generale di Sea Prime – ed è una delle destinazioni internazionali più ambite nel mondo, in grado di coniugare il traffico tipicamente business con quello leisure. In tale ottica Malpensa Prime rappresenterà la porta d’accesso al cuore della Lombardia e dell’Europa e a prestigiose località turistiche, come il Lago di Como, il Ticino Svizzero e la Val d’Aosta. La sua apertura consentirà di incrementare ulteriormente l’eccellenza dei nostri servizi, a complemento dello scalo di Linate Prime, che gode di un posizionamento unico a soli 7 chilometri di distanza dal centro di Milano”.

Source: Luuk Magazine

UPDATE: Kotoka International Airport Terminal 3 Opens to Passenger Traffic

On September 15, 2018, following the completion of tests and simulation exercises, the Terminal 3 of the Kotoka International Airport became fully operational.

Airport operator and manager Ghana Airports Company Limited (GACL) broke ground on the construction of its flagship project (Terminal 3) at Kotoka International Airport (KIA) in March 2016.

The project is a part of GACL’s capital investment program that entails the construction of a new terminal at KIA, the only international airport in the country, and the rehabilitation of other regional airports managed by GACL.

Terminal 3 has been lauded as one of the ultra-modern terminals in the world.

The new terminal comprises of five levels spread across an area of 48,268m² and semi closed areas for the Baggage Make-up Areas of 28,260m².

It also boasts ultra-modern facilities and the capacity to handle 5 million passengers a year; capacity to process 1,250 passengers per hour; six boarding bridges; 7 links (expandable to 8 in the future); a large retail area (7000m²), CIP terminal and 707 Car parking slots and a new Road network.

The $250 million T3 project is expected to be officially commissioned by President Akufo-Addo on October 2, 2018.

Source: Tech Voice Africa