Global Blue: eliminación del importe mínimo de compra en España

La eliminación del importe mínimo de compra necesario para que los turistas extracomunitarios puedan solicitar la devolución del IVA o Tax Free inyectará al PIB de España cerca de 480 millones de euros anuales, lo que equivale a un incremento del 0,03 %, según datos de Global Blue.

La empresa estima que, al suprimirse el límite de 90,16 euros de compra mínima existente hasta ahora, se fomentará la venta de productos de fabricación nacional como el calzado o la moda, cuyo precio está por debajo de esa cantidad.

Al eliminar el importe mínimo, España se iguala a otro países como Holanda, Reino Unido o Alemania, donde no se aplica ningún mínimo legal para las ventas tax free

El gasto Tax Free Shopping en Europa experimentó un sólido crecimiento del +8 % en 2017, superando los valores máximos de 2015.

Se registra un dinamismo importante en los mercados de origen. El crecimiento se ha visto impulsado por una fuerte afluencia de turistas procedentes de China, donde la demanda en viajes y compras está en auge. Además, estos Globe Shoppers están impacientes por descubrir nuevos destinos. Según un informe reciente, el número de turistas chinos que viajan a Europa siguió aumentando en 2017, siendo el Viejo Continente el segundo destino más popular para este colectivo, por detrás de Asia.

Otros factores determinantes incluyen la devaluación de la libra esterlina, lo que atrajo a Globe Shoppers a Europa y provocó la reaparición de los Globe Shoppers rusos, cuyo gasto en las tiendas ascendió un +18 %.

Fuente: Hosteltur


Bucharest South Airport should have two terminals and a capacity of 30 million passengers per year

The government wants to build a new airport in the South of Bucharest that should have at least two terminals and a capacity of 30 million passengers per year. Executive spokesman Nelu Barbu provided details about the eight strategic investments, including the airport.

“The size of the airport will have to be designed for traffic of approximately 30 million passengers on a surface of no more than 600 hectares and be equipped with at least two terminals. As soon as such areas are identified by the local authorities, these authorities can participate in setting up the project company,” explained Nelu Barbu.

Talks about a new airport near the Capital city, located in the south of town, are not new, but it never finalized in a project. The govern is intending to find a private company to create a public-private partnership, a company that would have the responsibility to carry out the project. But it will not be easy to find such a partner and it didn’t even start finding the area where an airport can be built.

Bucharest South Airport, could become a transit point for passengers traveling to Asia, Pacific, but also to Europe or America.

Source: BR Business Review

Munich Airport to be expanded at cost of almost half a billion euros

Germany’s second biggest airport is set to be modernized and expanded at an estimated cost of €455 million, which the airport plans to cough up out of its own pocket.
A new gate for up to twelve aircraft is to be built even before the airport’s long-planned third runway, Albert Füracker, Bavarian finance minister and chairman of Munich Airport’s supervisory board, said on Thursday.

In addition, passenger screening, restaurants and lounges in Terminal 1, which opened in 1992, will be renovated.

Initial construction work on the 95,000-square-metre expansion is scheduled to begin before the end of the year.

The new gate will be opened “by 2023 at the earliest,” a press release issued by the airport operator FMG stated on Thursday.

In order to accommodate for the expected increase in passenger numbers, the new gate will be for international flights outside the Schengen area of Europe.

Third construction phase for Brasov airport initiated

The public authorities in Brasov have inked a deal with construction firm PORR Construct for the third development stage of the new airport in Brasov.

PORR won the public tender for the construction of a segment of the airport’s runway, the boarding-debarcation platforms and the development of drainage infrastructure for the runway. The contract is worth around RON 31 million. The deadline for the construction works is of 110 days.

The authorities plan to launch new tenders for the construction of other components of the airport, including a terminal and other facilities such as parking and access points.